Defining the Future: What's Next for Our Campus?
a letter from Dean Jeff Elman
It's easy when you're young to take risks and gambles. UC San Diego is no longer young - no longer the new kid on the academic block, with nothing to lose and everything to gain by experimenting. But the caution of middle age, the temptation to incrementalism need to be resisted. Just as innovation was exactly the right approach 50 years ago and made us what we are today, it remains vital to our future.
At its beginnings, this campus was blessed with two things: with good DNA - we were enormously fortunate to have visionary founders - and with many years of increasing funding. Because of our good genes, we succeeded beyond our wildest dreams. Now we are mature. Growth is over. We are much larger and more complex than when we started. State funding has decreased precipitously and shows little promise of full recovery. But we are still looking to advance, and we can do it if we are deliberate in our direction.
We're now embarking on a process to create a strategic plan for UC San Diego - to, in the words of our new chancellor, Pradeep Khosla, "establish a unifying shared vision for our entire campus."
The intensive, months-long process will bring many people together in deep discussion. We hope to engage in the conversation faculty, staff and students, alumni, and friends from the local, state and national communities. We will also be reaching out for participation and input from the business, nonprofit and government worlds. Be sure to check http://plan.ucsd.edu/ for updates and interactive tools.
This planning process is not just an opportunity but absolutely essential. We hope to hear from of all of you as we imagine our way forward. We need your support, your vision and your voice.
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