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Rising to the Anderson Challenge

If you are one of our psychology alumni, you may remember Professor Emeritus Norman Anderson from your time here at UC San Diego. Since he joined the fledgling university in 1965, many generations of students have benefited from his knowledge, guidance and insight. His research, which focuses on the General Theory of Information Integration, is credited with opening up new horizons in psychology.

Always interested in helping students, Dr. Anderson has invested much of his time and money for their benefit. Through gifts, he has created a psychology student research and travel fund, a lectureship series and an endowed fellowship fund.

Now, in recognition of the Department of Psychology’s critical need for graduate fellowship funds, he has launched the Anderson Challenge. During the challenge, alumni gifts of any size to the Norman Henry Anderson Fellowship Fund will be matched dollar for dollar by Dr. Anderson, up to $100,000.

Why Support Fellowships?

The importance of fellowship support cannot be overstated. Some students are totally reliant on fellowships to afford a graduate education. The amount of fellowship support received can often make the difference between whether a bright, talented student chooses one institution over another.

“Exceptional grad students allow for exceptional instruction in the classroom and new discoveries in the laboratory, benefiting areas such as autism, child learning, Alzheimer's and stroke recovery,” said John Wixted, chair of the Department of Psychology. “Dr. Anderson’s matching gift challenge is so generous and so absolutely needed, I appeal to every one of our psychology alumni to participate by giving to the Anderson Challenge.”

Please rise to the challenge and join Dr. Anderson in investing in psychology students.

Make a gift of any amount and make a difference to a student, the Psychology Department, UC San Diego and the world.

Questions about the Anderson Challenge? Please contact Marcie Marsh at (858) 246-0372.

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