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Greetings from Jeff Elman, Dean

In May, the Division of Social Sciences presented a very important panel discussion about California. We featured four faculty members who posed the questions, "California in Crisis: What Went Wrong? How Can It Be Fixed?" As alumni and friends of our university, you may know that the UC system was founded in the 1860's as a land grant college under the Morrill Act, and as such took on a public service mission. We developed this event with our public service mission in mind, which is why we promoted "California in Crisis" to the public and hosted the event at the Museum of Natural History in Balboa Park.

California plays an interesting role in the history of our country. It has been the westward magnet, home to pioneers, visionaries and trend setters. I remember being very proud of being a Californian as a child growing up in the 1960's. Quite simply, California was a place where the future was happening now.

Today, we still have pride in our role, but it is fraying at the edges. Our public education system is in disrepair. We cannot pay for a number of social services that were, at one point, the hallmark of our state. Our state constitution is a patchwork of convoluted regulations and policies that are often in conflict with each other. These problems, and others, leave many of us asking, "What went wrong and how can we fix it?"

Socials scientists care very much about these questions. I believe it is not for us to formulate the answers, as the voters of California — the true decision-makers — play that role. But we can help clarify the issues and problems, and present options so the public can make informed decisions.

Our spotlight this edition includes an excerpt from the panel discussion. I also encourage you to watch more from the panel event by going to California in Crisis on the UCSD TV website. It is my goal that the Division of Social Sciences will continue to make contributions to matters of vital public importance in the future. We have an obligation to do so, but this also represents an exciting opportunity for us to bring together our research, teaching and public service for the common good.

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