Greetings from Jeff Elman, Dean
As UC San Diego—and the Social Sciences—compete to maintain their level of academic excellence, one thing remains the same: The need for exceptional graduate students is one of the greatest challenges UCSD faces in its goal to remain a top ranked university.
There are several reasons why graduate students play a critical role in the vitality of a great university. Most people realize that world class faculty attract top graduate students, but it works the other way as well. Quality graduate students attract world class faculty because these scholars want to work with the best students. Graduate students also play a key role in mentoring undergraduates, and go on to become the faculty and leaders of tomorrow.
Unfortunately, as the costs of graduate education have risen, prospective students are often forced to choose a school based on available financial support. UC San Diego often cannot compete with more established universities with larger endowments. In fact, for every graduate student we gain, we lose two others because those students were offered a better fellowship package elsewhere.
Our goal for the coming year is to make UCSD Social Sciences a more competitive choice for promising graduate students. Last month, we launched a campaign to raise $2 million in fellowship funds. This time of year is when many of you make your charitable commitments. I realize that you have many worthy organizations to choose from that are all deserving of your support, but I hope you will consider supporting these bright and promising students. Their work is at the forefront in finding solutions to our most complex social problems, from the economy and immigration to the environment and the human mind.
You have the power to influence a scholar's choice through fellowships, with a tax-deductible gift to the Division's Funds for Fellows. Make a gift of any size, whatever you are comfortable with...and if you can stretch, perhaps a bit more. Your investment in our students will yield dividends for years to come. Thank you!
More information is available at www.socsci.ucsd.edu/fundsforfellows.
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