Greetings from Jeff Elman, Dean
As this is my first message to you as the new dean, I would like to share with you how excited I am to lead the division as we find new ways to achieve excellence in teaching and research, as well as broaden our reach both locally and globally.
Last month, U.S. News and World Report ranked UC San Diego seventh best among public universities. As the largest academic division on campus, Social Sciences is a major player in the university's academic environment and we are proud of the contributions we've made to UC San Diego's growing stature.
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Social Sciences News
Jeff Elman appointed Dean of the Division of Social Sciences.
UC San Diego ranked 7th best public university in the nation in U.S. News & World Report survey.
Cutting edge green courses on environment and sustainability offered by the Department of Sociology.
Oscar Romo, a lecturer in the Urban Studies and Planning Program, was honored at the 4th Annual Urban Land Institute Smart Growth Awards for Excellence.
Psychologist Adam Aron receives a prestigious award from the world's leading charity dedicated to mental health research.
Upcoming Events
Economics Roundtable, October 14, 2008 — Frank A. Wolak, professor of Commodity Studies at Stanford University will discuss “Balancing California's Energy Needs with its Environmental Goals.” 7:30-9 a.m.; UCSD Faculty Club; $50 fee includes parking and Continental breakfast. For more information or to register, call (858) 822-0510 or email emunk@ucsd.edu.
Social Sciences Supper Club, November 5, 2008 — UC San Diego Economics Professor James Hamilton will discuss “Understanding Oil Prices.” 5:30pm; UC San Diego Faculty Club; $65 includes presentation, dinner and parking. For more information or reservations, contact Chris Wojdak at (858) 822-6694 or cwojdak@ucsd.edu.
Recent Gifts
CREATE Receives Grant
The Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego recently gave a $204,970 grant to support the Math for America San Diego program, which is administered by the Center for Educational Equity, Assessment and Teaching Excellence (CREATE). The program provides five year fellowships to selected students who are studying to become math teachers in local critical-need high schools.
Thank You!
We gratefully acknowledge the following donors who made gifts of $1,000 or more to the Division of Social Sciences during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008.
Armin Afsahi '90, The American Institutes for Research, American Psychological Association, Dr. Norman Anderson, Association for Psychological Science, Rita and Richard Atkinson, Jessica and Richard Attiyeh, Autism Society of America Foundation, Inc., Autism Speaks, Inc., Bank of America Matching Gifts Program, Mara W. Breech Foundation, Naheed and Mustafa Chowdhury, Ph.D. '88, Civilian Research and Development Foundation for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union, Julia and Richard Carson, Claudia and Nils Clark '99, Cure Huntington's Disease Initiative, Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation, Kimberly '81 and Geoffrey Douillard '80, Duke University, Edison International, Foundation for Population, Migration and Environment, Fundación BBVA, Jerome Fons, Ph.D. '85, The Ford Foundation, Carina Chiang and Ross Frank, Sharon and Barnett Fung '85, Gallaudet University, Pamela Samuelson and Robert Glushko, Ph.D. '79, Goldman Sachs Foundation, Jeanette and Alan Greenway, Dr. Katja Lindenberg and Dr. Theodore Groves, Amy Slater '76 and Garrett Gruener '76, IBM Corporation, Becky Ivans, Jerri-Ann and Gary Jacobs '79, Joan and Irwin Jacobs, Nora and Alan Jaffe, Marion and Frank Kessel, Karen '81 and Dennis Kraft, Ph.D. '82, Jennifer and Kenneth Kroner, Ph.D. '88, Lei Qian and Gary G.J. Lee, Ph.D. '94, Alison and Robert Leupold '86, Stephanie '87 and Craig Leupold '85, Wen-Ling Lin, Ph.D. '89, Catherine and Michael McMahon '76, Microsoft Corporation, NARSAD Research, National Academy of Education, National Writing Project Corporation, Gary Perlman, Ph.D. '82, QUALCOMM Incorporated, Marilyn and Russell Robins, Ph.D. '82, Nathalie and Jeffrey Russell '91, Ph.D. '96, Russell Investments, San Diego Environmental Professionals, Elizabeth and Maj. Gen Robert Scurlock, USAF Ret., Jay and Cynthia Sener '93, Smith Richardson Foundation, Inc., Social Science Research Council, The Spencer Foundation, Steelcase Incorporated, Susan and Ross Starr, Taketomo Family Foundation, Dr. Yohko Tsuji '80 and Thomas Kirsch, Carina York and Joel Watson '88, Wells Fargo Foundation, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc., Worldwide Universities Network, Xerox Corporation, Barbara Lee and Daniel Yankelovich.
To learn more about how you can support the Social Sciences, please visit us online or contact Michelle Glenn at (858) 822-0805 or mglenn@ucsd.edu.
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