Greetings from Jeff Elman, Interim Dean
Someone asked me recently why UC San Diego does fundraising when we are a public university. Why do we need private money when the taxpayers of California are supporting us?
These are legitimate questions. Historically, UCSD has not engaged in the kind of fundraising often seen at private universities such as Stanford or Harvard. There was a time when UC San Diego enjoyed healthy support from the state of California, so much so that private fundraising didn’t seem necessary.
Things have certainly changed since then.
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Social Sciences News
Three Social Sciences professors honored with Chancellor’s Associates Faculty Excellence Awards.
Communications professor Carol Padden receives an Academic Senate Faculty Lecturer Research Award for her contribution to the advancement of knowledge.
Does movie violence increase violent crime? A recent paper co-authored by economist Gordon Dahl explores this topic.
Anthropologist Margaret Schoeninger to co-direct new center on the study of human evolution.
Can blog comments make a book better? Assistant professor of Communication Noah Wardrip-Fruin undertakes an unusual experiment.
Upcoming Events
Social Sciences Supper Club, April 16, 2008 — Daniel Yankelovich, visiting scholar in the Department of Political Science will discuss “The United States and the Muslim World: Is the Long War Inevitable?”; 5:30 p.m.; UCSD Faculty Club; $65 includes presentation, dinner and parking. For more information or reservations, contact Chris Hillis at (858) 822-6694 or chillis@ucsd.edu.
Economics Roundtable, April 22, 2008 — “Digesting the Credit Crunch” will be the topic presented by Peter Hooper, managing director and chief economist, Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc. 7:30-9 a.m.; UCSD Faculty Club; $50 fee includes parking and Continental breakfast. For more information or to register, call (858) 822-0510 or email emunk@ucsd.edu.
UCSD Near You: New York, April 23, 2008 — In 2003, UC San Diego economists Clive Granger and Robert Engle received the Nobel Prize for their discoveries in the analysis of time series data. Join them as they discuss “The Road to Stockholm” during this UCSD Alumni Association event in New York City. 6:30-8:30 p.m.; The Ambrose Employer Group; $10 Members of the Alumni Association, $15 Non-members. Register online or call (858) 534-3900.
Recent Gifts
Support for Speaker Series
The Department of Sociology received a $10,000 gift from Nora and Alan Jaffe to support the Yankelovich Endowed Chair on Social Thought Speaker Series. The first lecture in the series was held March 12 and featured Professor Mike Davis from UC Irvine.
Math Matters
The Mara Breech Foundation recently made a $10,000 gift to support Math for America San Diego, a new partnership between UC San Diego, San Diego State University and Cal State San Marcos University. The goal of the program is to improve recruitment and retention of math teachers in San Diego County middle and high schools.
To learn more about how you can support the Social Sciences, please visit us online or contact Michelle Glenn at (858) 822-0805 or mglenn@ucsd.edu.
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